An immersive, narrative podcast, hosted by social justice filmmakers Erika Alexander, a black woman, and Whitney Dow, a white man.

Erika Alexander (Living Single, Get Out, Run The World) and Whitney Dow (Two Towns of Jasper, I Sit Where I Want, The Whiteness Project) use their unique storytelling skills and experiences to explore the argument for and against the controversial topic of reparations for Black Americans.

Why Now?

Listen 24:14

Episode Notes

In the premiere episode, Erika and Whitney ‘show us the money,’ as they travel to the American crossroads of business and slavery, Wall Street. They get personal as they unearth the pain and shame of human bondage, hidden at the site of New York City’s notorious African slave market and lost burial ground. The duo makes their argument in Black and White, when they crash a Congressional hearing for Reparations Bill HR 40 and introduce the Rosa Parks of the reparations movement – Evanston, IL Alderwoman Robin Rue Simmons. This groundbreaking episode concludes with a reimagining of a post-reparations America, that would allow for new possibilities, new leadership, and a new direction.

photo by Amber N. Wiley, Ph.D.

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