An immersive, narrative podcast, hosted by social justice filmmakers Erika Alexander, a black woman, and Whitney Dow, a white man.

Erika Alexander (Living Single, Get Out, Run The World) and Whitney Dow (Two Towns of Jasper, I Sit Where I Want, The Whiteness Project) use their unique storytelling skills and experiences to explore the argument for and against the controversial topic of reparations for Black Americans.

Reparations: The Big Payback

Listen 3:00

Reparations: The Big Payback

Reparations: The Big Payback is an immersive, narrative podcast, hosted by social justice filmmakers Erika Alexander (Living Single, Get Out) and Whitney Dow (Two Towns of Jasper, Whiteness Project). Erika, a black woman, and Whitney, a white man use their unique storytelling skills and experiences to explore the argument for and against reparations for Black Americans.


photo credit: Ben Arnon


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